Wednesday, February 25, 2004

what the women's libber said: free women,chain mails:D

speaking of chain mail.i'm sick and tired of getting emails that name is zibzibzippy.i live in a poor country(never mind the nae, its usually one u've never heard off)
i have an ugly grotesque growth on my face...(maybe its yer nose...)
or i have a third tit growing on my forehead. and by forwarding this message to about 1233143 of your friends bill gates will pay me 10 cents for each friend you send this to, who in turn will get full guilt trip about poor people living in...whatchamaycallit land all with three three tits..if u dont send the mail your undies will become carnivorous and eat your genitals.
come on maaaaan who believes that .billy is full anda fellow or what to give 10 10 cents lathat...or another one where billy will pay YOU to forward the mesage int eh process create full spam...
even worse is those chain mails that in my bachpan came by regular mail.
stuff that was allegedly started hazaar years ago in germany by two brothers who had way too much time on thier hands and then smuggled into turkey ,persia and afghanistan and finally across the khyber pass by disco dancing eunuchs in pink tights,across the thar by dwarves with itchy jockstraps etc etc untill it reahed u must send a pair of your used undies to 1st fellow whose name is on the list.....
screw it all...chain mail is a menance and it should be dealt with...with extreme if u do send chain mail...may your undies turn carnivorous too....

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