Monday, August 09, 2004

National Geographic meals and Technicolour Dreams (from keede makode to shouting makeode.)

Today students in the Uni.(i.e. apan logan ) boycotted classes. Of course we were the happiest when we heard the student activists shouting slogans and coming to our class.So boycott we did.
The reason for all this hungama was that the staff at the hostels felt sorry for the students as cable TV was not available in the hostels. They felt that our students were missing out on a lot of educational channels and were not being exposed properly to the wonders of our world.So (they thought) If National Geographic channel was not available, they would do their best to make up for the lack of it,so they supplied the hostelites with food rich in protein.Unfortunately the protein came from insects.not one or two..but so many that you could make a NG special on it.
The students did not understand or appreciate this wonderfull gesture of the staff.. they started making rude getures of thier own..and so it least we are getting some entertainment out of it. as they say..lage raho...ABCD Zindabad...

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